Yosemite Spring Photography
Calvin Bradshaw (@calvinbradshaw )
Now in my late 40’s (well OK, very very late 40’s!). I have been an amateur photographer for about 25 years. I have shot a number of weddings, lots and lots of portraits sessions, pets, cars, and landscapes etc. I just love experimenting with light, and am always learning and seeing new ways to shoot and capture images. I’m a Canon shooter, and often head over to Ken Rockwell's page for some no-BS advice and inspiration, so it was awesome when i stumbled upon this tour! -- I just had to sign up.
I have an IT outsourcing company in Australia, and live in Brisbane (but travel to Melbourne frequently).
I am married with 2 sons, 11 and 12 years of age, and have a Golden Retriever ( )
I work hard, so I reward myself with conference trips like this one, and always sneak in some photography! After this Yosemite trip, i am driving on to Las Vegas for a conference for a few days, then maybe Death Valley, then maybe even back to Yosemite to shoot the lunar rainbows next weekend (
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
SmugMug Gallery:
(Also; About me: Linked-in: 500PX Gallery: and Instagram: )
Don Gardner:
I am a 73 year old retiree living in Sun City West AZ, which is an area rich in resources for landscape photographers. I started my photography career in High School using a Sears Tower 6x6 camera and of course the obligatory Speed Graphic for school functions.
It was great when I got my first Pentax Spotmatic 35mm, which I used many years until Digital arrived. I have owned more digital cameras than I can remember, each better than the last. Most recently I have purchased a Nikon D810, which I find to be a super Landscape camera, and may be my last digital camera. I can't really see going beyond 36mp, but that's also what I said at 24mp.
I really love to shoot slide film. Currently I have a Bronica SQ 6x6, a Fuji G690, the Fuji G617 pictured, and a Chamonix 4x5 with mosty Fuji lenses, and of course a Nikon F4 which mostly stays on the shelf. I shoot Fuji Provia and Velvia as well as Kodak Ektar. Some of my photos can be seen on Flickr, if you do a search for fujifreak, they should come up.
I promise I will only be shooting digital this weekend, unless I'm asked to drag out one of my film cameras. It might be cool to have a 6x17 panoramic shot of the group with half dome in the background.
Christine Krieg
Australian-born photographer Christine Krieg has travel running through her veins. Infected with the travel bug while flying over the Amazonian rainforest over two decades ago, she has since photographed in 34 exotic and not-so-exotic countries. She loves to share her passion for the amazing world we live in and her love of photography with everyone she meets.
Her work has been published in various newspapers and magazines. She teaches photography and leads workshops in San Francisco, California and internationally, most recently in Myanmar Next up: Cuba! Join her meetup group to see her upcoming workshops, check out her work at and follow her adventures on Facebook.
Allow her enthusiasm to inspire you to unearth YOUR creativity and learn how to see with new eyes.