Private Individual or Group Tours and Photo Lessons

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Private Individual or Group Tours and Photo Lessons


Join Dave for a private tour of Los Angeles. Contact Dave and set up an itinerary with him. Four to six hours: $150.00, including one meal, any parking fees, private and/or public transport, entry fees, and of course unforgettable locations and a cornucopia of memorable photographs.

Choice of locations: downtown L.A. and surrounding environs, including the Arts District, Fashion District, Union Station and the Grand Central Market; Venice Beach, the Santa Monica Pier and Malibu; Hollywood, Hollywood Hills and Beverly Hills; Griffith Park Observatory, Echo Park and Silver Lake, lots of other locations by arrangement. 

Price based on one participant. Twenty percent discount for two, 30 percent for three, 40 percent for a maximum of four participants. 

Click on the larger photo at left for a full-size image.
